The only good thing I can say about this whole thing is that ... at least I'm getting of ideas for my science fiction tales??

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Data collection and utilization by superpowers is probably the most important field to be potentially revolutionized by machine learning, and it is indeed my theory that US is stoking the UFO narrative to collect more data that can now be effectively utilized. https://alakasa.substack.com/p/the-american-ufo-boom-might-just

Of course, one facet of the AI-and-geopolitics discussion is EU simply falling wayside between the American and Chinese approaches, which is probably specifically the reason why EU is promoting the "regulatory superpower" narrative so hard. Being an EU citizen, while I do think that good and effective regulation is needed for AI development, I'm not sure that a scenario where EU puts its chips in being able to handicap its competitors through moral pressure is particularly positive vis-a-vis economic development in the EU.

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